Professor Chris Pearson

Co-Investigator and History Work Package Lead
University of Liverpool

Chris is Professor of Environmental History at the University of Liverpool. His research interests lie predominantly in animal, environmental and cultural history, as well as the history of emotions, the history of medicine, urban history, and transnational history. His most recent book Dogopolis: How Dogs and Humans Made Modern New York, London, and Paris was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2021, and explores the role and presence of dogs as workers, pets, pests, and beyond in nineteenth and twentieth century London, New York, and Paris. He also explores human-canine history on his blog Sniffing the Past and has co-produced a free smart phone app that allows users to explore the human-canine histories of these cities. You can download it from the University of Liverpool appstore.

On the ROH-Indies project, Chris is leading the research into the history of street dogs in India, working closely with the History PDRA, in the colonial and postcolonial periods. He will also explore how this history has been shaped by transnational organizations and factors.