Events & News

13 June 2024
  • PuthuYugam TV (Online TV channel). (2024) நாய்கள் துரத்தினால் நீங்கள் உடனே செய்ய வேண்டியவை இவைதான் (What you need to do if chased by dogs). 26/09/2024. Watch here.
  • Reddy, S. (2024) Paws and reflect. The New Indian Express, 24/09/2024, Read here.
  • Oppili, P. (2024) Beyond Vaccines: Rethinking Stray Dog Control for Safer Communities.
28 April 2023

Online Workshop, University of Liverpool, 28th April 2023

Streets are lively more-than-human spaces. Dogs, cats, monkeys, rats, cows, and pigeons are amongst those animals who share streets with humans. In different places and at different times, animals are variously welcomed, tolerated, or prohibited from streets. Street animals raise a host of questions around urban life and public health, as well as who belongs and who deserves care in urban environments. They are sometimes framed as evidence of healthy urban environments and sometimes as obstacles to urban health.

15 June 2023

Hybrid Workshop, University of Liverpool, 15th June 2023

Streets are lively more-than-human spaces. Dogs, cats, monkeys, rats, cows, and pigeons are amongst those animals who share streets with humans. In different places and at different times, animals are variously welcomed, tolerated, or prohibited from streets. Street animals raise a host of questions around urban life and public health, as well as who belongs and who deserves care in urban environments. They are sometimes framed as evidence of healthy urban environments and sometimes as obstacles to urban health.

21 December 2022

Animal geographies at its limits

Call for Papers for a special issue of the Scottish Geographical Journal