Project Team

Professor Krithika Srinivasan

Krithika is Professor of Political Ecology in the School of Geosciences at the University of Edinburgh. Her research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of political ecology and animal studies. Her work draws on research in South Asia to rethink globally established concepts and practices about nature-society relations.

Professor Chris Pearson

Chris is Professor of Environmental History at the University of Liverpool. His research interests lie predominantly in animal, environmental and cultural history, as well as the history of emotions, the history of medicine, urban history, and transnational history.

Dr Tim Kurz

Tim is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychological Science at the University of Western Australia. He is a social and environmental psychologist whose research focusses on processes of social change regarding human relationships with their environments.

Dr Dan Ramp

Dan is the Director of the UTS Centre for Compassionate Conservation and an Associate Professor in the TD School at UTS. His research is a conservation biologist with an interest in behavioural ecology, wild animal welfare, coexistence, and wildlife-human interactions.

Dr Rosalie Chapelle

Rosalie is Senior Research Fellow in the Transdisciplinary School at UTS, and also works in the non-government conservation sector. She is a wildlife ecologist whose research, teaching and practice focuses on reimagining conservation of wildlife and protected areas to be more effective, inclusive and equitable.

Dr Heeral Chhabra

Heeral is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Department of History, University of Liverpool. Her primary research focuses on the history of human-animal relationships and animal ‘welfare’ in colonial India. She is also interested in global history, environmental history, the history of education and the pedagogy of history. 

Dr Guillem Rubio Ramon

Guillem is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Edinburgh’s School of GeoSciences. His research integrates more-than-human geographies and political ecologies to study the reciprocal influence of animals and humans on each other’s socio-cultural, economic and political lives.

Jo Watson

Jo is a Research Associate and PhD researcher in the School of Psychological Science at the University of Western Australia. Her research interests concern the role of social psychological processes in societal change, with particular focus on the environmental domain.

Priyanshu Thapilyal

Priya is a PhD Researcher in the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh. His current research explores everyday knowledges of human-street dog cohabitation in the Central Himalayas, India. He has an interest in cultural geography, environmental anthropology, history, and animal studies. 

Nynke Kooistra

Nynke is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Compassionate Conservation at the University of Technology Sydney. Her current research focuses on the behavioural ecology and welfare of Indian street dogs. She has an interest in behavioural biology, wild animal welfare and emotions, and animal-human coexistence.

Prativa Bomzon

Prativa Bomzon, a PhD student at the Centre for Compassionate Conservation, University of Technology Sydney, specialises in behavioural ecology and animal welfare. Employing an interdisciplinary approach rooted in behavioural ecology, disease transfer, and conservation science, her current research focuses on understanding dog behaviour during life transitions and their interactions with diverse species.

Rashmi Singh Rana

Rashmi is a PhD candidate at the Transdisciplinary School (Centre for Compassionate Conservation) at University of Technology Sydney. Her conservation research aim is to build an understanding towards enabling multispecies coexistence. Presently, her research focus is to locate socio-ecological transformations in the context of human-canid relationships in the Indian trans-Himalaya.